PARKdesigned Architects' Birthday Party

Last week, on August 5th, the PARKdesigned Architects team got together with clients and friends to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. We venue we decided on was the Water Lane Boathouse in Leeds and this worked out brilliantly.

Water Lane Boathouse Leeds Drink

The event was all the more special because it was the first time that many of the team had been able to meet with each other in the flesh as we have been working from home for around 18 months now and have welcomed 4 new team members to the company in just the last 5 months.

PARKdesigned Architects Leeds

We welcomed a large group of clients, former clients, and contractors to the venue and were able to catch up and reminisce over a drink. We were also able to enjoy some lovely food that was provided by the staff at the venue - even if it was raining for the majority of the evening.

Water Lane Boathouse Leeds Food

We would like to thank everybody who was able to attend as well as all of those who have supported us over the last decade - we wouldn’t be here without you. Here’s to another 10 years of PARKdesigned Architects!