New ways of working

This week we had an internal presentation on the current ways we are all working and how this may change in the future.

Humans spend a massive 90% of their time indoors but how does it affect us? Spaces either heal or hurt- at the moment people are hunkered down inside their homes, working from home, exercising from home, even socialising from home.

The world has been given time to pause and reflect on the spaces around us. Are the spaces we’re in helping or hindering us? Public Health is not just about government budgets for hospitals and medicines, first and foremost it’s healthy lifestyles and this is very much dependent on the social surroundings people are in. From the city to the suburbs, neighbourhoods to the very rooms people are in.

The COVID-19 pandemic has probed architects and designers to rethink the spaces we’re living in, and to look at the improvements and adjustments that could be made to ensure a healthier lifestyle. Aimee from PARKdesigned researched some of these ideas, and collated them into a presentation starting with The City, then The Office, The School, Hospitality and, finally, The Home.

Great presentation and a good insight into how things could change in the future.

To see the images of the slide show please click the button below.

aimee presentation.PNG
James Park