Samaritans Leeds refurbishment

In 2021 we were approached by the Samaritans in Leeds to investigate the potential of refurbishing their existing premises following a significant donation. PARKdesigned worked alongside the charity to design a comprehensive scheme which would fundamentally change the working environment for the Samaritan team. 

There will be a formal press release which shall detail the project partners in due course but we would like to share some information on the Samaritans and their incredible work.

The Samaritans is a UK-based charity that provides emotional support to people who are struggling to cope with life's challenges. The Leeds branch of the Samaritans is one of the largest in the country, with over 200 volunteers working to provide a listening ear to those in need.

The Samaritans are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to offer support to anyone who needs it. They offer their services through phone calls, emails, text messages, and face-to-face meetings. The volunteers who work for the Samaritans are trained to listen and provide emotional support without judgement or bias.

In addition to providing emotional support, the Samaritans in Leeds are involved in several community initiatives. They work closely with local schools and youth groups to provide emotional support to young people, as well as training teachers and youth workers on how to identify and support those who may be struggling.

James Park